Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 31 HCG

I haven't posted a video on YouTube lately but I did want to give an update. I'm officially down 25 lbs now...did I already mention that? I put on some slacks today that were getting really tight and I was swimming in them! It was awesome aside from having to constantly pull my pants up. I'm at a weird stage, if I use the fourth hole in my belt, it starts to bunch my pants up. If I use the third hole my pants just keep falling below it.

It's an awesome problem to have. I'm down to nine official days. I had more HCG in the vial for about three more days so I'm going to go for 43.

I have to be honest when I say that I'm glad that this is almost over. I know it's been a bit of a burden for my wife and I'm sure that some of the folks at work are tired of hearing about it.

I have pics from the Mt. Charleston hike but I don't have time to post them right now.

I'm having food dreams again, where I'm "cheating" on my diet. Just know that I haven't and I am going strong. I'm hoping for another five pounds before maintenance phase but we'll see.

I'm looking forward to lifting weights again.

My body fat is teetering on 30%, hoping to see 29% (and change) by tomorrow but we'll see. For those that watch the videos you'll remember that I started around 39-40%.

I'm really happy with my progress, but I know that I still have a ways to go. Even if I end at 184 (from 214) I should really lose another 20lbs or so to be at a healthy weight (5'7").

That's all for today. Looking forward to more comments.


1 comment:

cdagirl said...

I am currently on day 9 of my diet and loving it. I have lost 9 lbs 1% bmi and 4.9 inches. I too have been having the cheating on my diet dreams, I feel so guilty in my dreams. I haven't even had the desire to cheat while I am awake. I am glad that I am not the only one. I am glad that you posted your body fat percentage. That doesn't seem to move as fast as the pounds do for some reason. Thanks for putting the time into the blog it is a help for me.

About Me

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I've tried just about every diet a guy can think about. I've tried Belly-Off from Men's Health, Body for Life by Bill Phillips, P90X (Holy Crap!), The Testosterone Diet, and just starving myself. Nothing worked even remotely close to Dr. Simeon's HCG Protocal. Now, for those of us who have completed the protocol, there is a new challenge, how do we eat now? Well, I don't have the answers, but I do know that I like to eat whole foods and I know that they can be easier to make than we think possible. This blog will feature recipes as well as just random sharing.